0800 263 339

Meet the Team

Kelvyn Coffey

Kelvyn Coffey has specialised exclusively in the sale of commercial accommodation businesses since 1984, with the forming of a company then known as South Island Motel Brokers Ltd. The business enjoyed success in the industry throughout the 1980's, with expansion of its activities into hotel brokerage (pubs and taverns) and later general business brokerage.

Having sold his interests in that agency, (which still operates today under a different name) he formed this company in 1995. The reason being that he wished to re-focus on specialising exclusively in travellers’ accommodation businesses. In 1996, he was appointed as the South Island consultant to the Motel Association of New Zealand.

For many years, he provided advice and information to Motel Association of New Zealand members as part of the benefit of their membership.  MANZ merged with Hospitality New Zealand in 2015.   HNZ continues to receive many questions on matters relating to leases, rentals, market trends etc., and he is happy to receive and assist with a steady number of enquiries from the team at HNZ.

Kelvyn also sits on the Industry Advisory Group to the Real Estate Authority for Business Brokerage. The REA is the government body controlling and regulating the Real Estate Industry. They seek advice and feedback from the group, which meets with the authority twice yearly, and consults when required.

From small beginnings in the South Island in 1984, (in those days no one had heard of a specialist “motel broker”), Kelvyn is proud to now run a nationwide company with a brand that is well recognised and respected within the industry throughout New Zealand.  He appreciates his good fortune in having been able to build a team of dedicated and professional brokers with support crew second to none.

Kelvyn has seen the economic highs and lows and is happy to share his experience with anyone contemplating entering the business. He lives in Christchurch, happily married to Colleen since 1988, with four (now adult) children. When time permits, hobbies include cycling (no lycra), snowboarding, photography, reading and hi-fi.

Chris Wong

Based in Auckland, Chris Wong has been proudly representing Coffeys since 2009. He holds a degree in Economics and Accounting and is an Alumni of the University of Hawaii’s School of Travel Industry Management.

He has an extensive background in the tourism and hospitality industry spanning some 30 years, twenty of which were at executive management level. He has also been involved in selling tourism businesses in the New Zealand and South Pacific markets. His extensive knowledge and tourism industry work experience has taken him through New Zealand, Australia, most of the Asia/Pacific region, the Americas and Europe.

Chris is passionate about the tourism industry and has an excellent grasp of its operational framework. He can relate to the issues affecting owners and operators and has a full appreciation of what buyers and investors are looking for. He continues to deliver the professional service for which Coffeys is well renowned. 

Chris and his wife Helen have two daughters who also live in Auckland with their families and they enjoy the luxury of being a closely knit family. Cooking, fishing and travelling rank highly on his list of interests.

Peter McGrath

Peter’s early career was in farming before new challenges where called for. The first of these was the development of a large and successful hydroponic rose growing enterprise, followed by a career shift to satisfy a long time interest in real estate.

Back to University to polish his professional skills and knowledge, he gained a Post Graduate Degree in Business Studies (Real Estate). He has run his own agency and sold residential, lifestyle and rural properties. Peter is excited to be on the Coffeys team and is confident of good times ahead in the tourism market.

Communication is key to Peter’s success. He is a people person, a lateral thinker and always assists his clients with sale process while striving to achieve the best possible outcome. Knowledge of property, marketing skills and a no stone unturned attitude enable him to find the best match for buyers and sellers.

Peter and his wife Jo have raised four children and now have four dearly beloved grandchildren. If any spare time is available, Peter will grab a fishing rod or brush the dust of the golf clubs. 

Matt D'Anvers

Matt D’Anvers joined Coffeys bringing over eighteen years knowledge of the motel and hospitality industry together with a successful background in print, advertising and marketing.

Having successfully created and run his own advertising and marketing agency for over fifteen years, Matt is well placed to offer clients that extra bit of knowledge to give their business a winning advantage.

Matt’s experience includes over one hundred sales of motel leases, freehold going concerns, hotels, bed & breakfast and management rights.

His ability to negotiate successfully at a high level and think differently to produce new solutions and understand, analyse and interpret buyer and seller requirements, is a distinct advantage.

Results driven, with the ability to effectively develop and manage relationships, Matt does all of this with a friendly and personable approach and, to a very high ethical standard.

Matt has been married for over 40 years to Debbie, now with three children and four grandchildren. They live on the beautiful Coromandel Peninsula.

Matt has a keen interest in walking, travel, golf, boating and watching both rugby and cricket.

Matt looks forward to providing you with the specialised service you deserve.

Chris D'Anvers

Chris joined Coffeys with an extensive background in sales and marketing in the travel and tourism sector. He has held multiple senior management positions over the previous 18 years in hospitality/tourism and came to Coffeys most recently from Norwegian Cruise Line, where he spent over five years as their National Sales Manager for New Zealand.

Diligent in building and maintaining relationships by providing support and attentive service, Chris promises to bring expertise in marketing strategies and negotiations to achieve the outstanding results you desire. 

Having studied a Diploma in Tourism back in 1997 at Auckland University of Technology, and with a passion for sales, Chris is an effective communicator and strategic planner with strong problem-solving skills and an analytical approach. Chris has a proven record of success and looks forward to working with you to provide more of that.

His interests are anything sport, loves music, animals and travel.

Jan Grant

Jan joined Coffeys after working with her husband Ross, for 15 years selling Residential Real Estate followed by 6.5 years owning and operating a very successful motel in Nelson.

Such experience is invaluable in attracting and dealing with the increasing number of investors interested in buying and selling properties or businesses in the tourism sector.

There are many qualities and skills that go into being an excellent Real Estate professional - integrity, in-depth marketing knowledge, effective negotiation skills and a high-quality professional network, all of which are hallmarks of how Jan works.

Jan’s enthusiasm for this industry is obvious and she enjoys assisting her clients to reach their full potential in this exciting and rewarding industry. 

Her mission is to make a significant difference in her client’s lives by meeting their real estate needs in a climate of confidence.

You can rely on Jan to help you realise the full potential of your real estate investment through her devotion to exceptional service.

John Connelly

John Connelly has been involved in the Real Estate Industry since 1988 and has sold property in New Zealand, Australia and Fiji.  He has also had business interests and experience in Tourism, Property Development, Business Management and Farming.

His tourism experience is broad, having owned and operated a number of accommodation and hospitality businesses. These include a 42 unit Motor Inn in Christchurch, Management Rights (92 units) on the Gold Coast, an Island Resort in Fiji ,as well as a Cafe & Restaurant/Bar in Christchurch.

John understands and relates well to people, having a common sense approach to business propositions, along with strong communication and negotiation skills. He welcomes new clients with property or businesses to sell and will work diligently with them to transact a successful sale.

Derek Johnson

Derek joined Coffeys in April 2021. He decided to step up to the plate and help other moteliers & accommodation business operators buy or sell their properties after the challenging year of COVID 19. 

Derek brings with him over 18 years’ experience in the hospitality and tourism industry. Managing and owning businesses has been particularly important to him. He owned and operated a large rural hotel for 10 years prior to leasing a successful & highly profitable 19 unit motel in Wanaka (pre-Covid) with his wife Crystal. They have done extensive work on upgrading & modernising the interiors. Also, a lot of effort has gone into landscaping & improving/upgrading outdoor facilities such as the playground. He is very fond of his roses found throughout the property.

His role as the local publican gave him a variety of experiences with the public and within the community, such as sponsorship for all the main local sports teams. Derek loves to chat to people.

SO YES. Derek knows how to market your property and importantly, he also understands how you run your business. Let him help you get the result that you want. Derek says he chose to come to Coffeys as he believes in the brand and their ethics. 

Travelling regularly from Wanaka to Dunedin to see his daughter, filling his time in there with projects around the holiday home – although he is not too sure when the ‘holiday’ part starts. His interests are hiking and sports – any kind! Rugby and cricket (which he loved to play), being his favourites. Family time is most important to him.

Inky Stove

Inky joined Coffeys after spending over 20 years in the hospitality industry. The first five years were managing a group of four hotels and the last 15 successfully running his own hotel, where he was the longest standing publican in a hotel that was first opened in 1867.

Many changes in regulations in this industry has required lateral thinking and creative actions to stay competitive.  It is this philosophy that Inky brings to Coffeys along with outstanding service to his clients, which has been the cornerstone of his success in the industry. 

Inky and his wife Paulette have raised two sons and two daughters and have six grandchildren.  His leisure activities include rugby, cricket and golf, as well as family and friends.

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